Monday, August 20, 2012

Graham Cracker Crisp

My grandmother's 91st birthday was last month, and unfortunately I couldn't celebrate with her and the rest of the family since we live over 1000 miles away from her. However what I COULD do was experience a little bit of her and send her a little of myself by making a recipe of hers then mailing her the resulting goodies. For as long as I can remember my grandmother has made these graham cracker crisps for almost every get-together or just to have around the house.

I had never made this simple recipe before, and, as is my usual habit, I changed the recipe a little bit. Of course there is nothing wrong with the original recipe, but I substituted a couple of ingredients for items I had on hand. I also cut the recipe down by half because I only had one sleeve of graham crackers and no butter. To make matters even more complicated, I only had about 1/4 cup margarine...aaand peanuts instead of pecans. So I guess you could say I botched the recipe. Fortunately it's hard to make graham crackers, margarine, sugar, and peanuts taste bad, and I was pleased when Grandmama wrote back saying my "version" of the recipe tasted great!

Graham Cracker Crisp
graham crackers
pecans, cut up
1 stick butter
1/2 cup margarine
1/2 cup white sugar

1. Line up graham crackers on a cookie sheet touching each other. Sprinkle each with pecans.

2. Cook butter, margarine, and sugar mixture in a small saucepan until bubbly. Cook 3 minutes and pour over crackers and pecans.

3. Bake in oven for 15 minutes at 300°. Transfer grahams to wax paper or wire rack to cool.
If I remember correctly, when you use the right ingredients and proportions for this recipe, the outside turns hard and more candy-like than cracker-like as mine did. As I mentioned before, it's hard to truly mess up these ingredients, so if you change the recipe like I did, they'll probably still turn out to be a nommy treat!


  1. they were great! this is my go-to recipe at Christmas to give to friends, teachers, etc. Everybody always LOVES it! we did miss you at the birthday bash. hope to see ya'll soon!

  2. Ohmnom! Looks tasty. I'm going to make my own graham crackers soon. Maybe I will use them in this recipe! Congrats to your grandma for making it to 91! And for having such an awesome granddaughter. ;)
